Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lost Boy living in America

The 'Lost boys of Sudan' are a huge group of boys and some girls who fled from Sudan due to the civil war and other crisis that happened in Sudan. The war happened because of the difference between the South Sudan and North Sudan. The war forced the 'Lost boys of Sudan' to travled throuhg hot deserts in Africa to find new shelter. Many of the Lost Boys died during their journey. They encountered extreme heat, lack of food and lion attacks. Peter was one of the people who survied the whole disaster. When he was a little boy, his village was attacked by bunch of militias/rebles. He fled from his village and traveled to Ethiopia. But soon, they were forced to leave. After that, he went to Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya and spent 11 years at the camp with other Lost boys. After spending his life in the refugee camp, he was chosen to migrate to Ameria along with his friend Santino. Not knowing the harsh future, he was hoping to find 'heaven' in America. But soon, he realized that there no such thing like heaven on earth.

As Peter tried to assimilate into the American culture, he faced some problems related to racism and cultural difference. After staying in America for few days, he moved to Kansas to receive a better education. As he applied for his highschool, he had to answer few questions fro his ESL teacher. She asked 'what would you do if you had a million dollars?' She didn't really think about the difference between Peter's and her culture. Peter is a refugee. He doesn't really know how big a million dollar is. Also, Peter finds a job at Wal-Mart. He has to work outside under the hot sun. His boss gives him a real racistic comment. He says that since Peter's skin is already black and he's from Africa where there's hot sun, he should be able to tolerate the hot weather. Nobody wants to work under the sun. But the boss thinks that Africans are suitable for those kinds of stuff. Later, Peter talks to the school counselor about joining the 4-year college. But the counselor tells him that he doesn't have to. He says that he can take the 2 year community college. He doesn't expect much from him because of his prjudice that black people aren't smart. But when he hears that Peter's in the National Honor Society, he's surprised. Showing that he didn't expect much once more.

In America, he tries to cope with the cultural shock that he's facing. He tried to make foreign friend at his school. Sometimes he would meet his friend to play basketball with him. Peter also joins the church gruop and associates himself with other Americans. Althought he feels kind of left out because of the cultural difference, he tries hard to become one of them. Peter experienced a lot of difficulties after arriving at America. Althought it seems like he doesn't think of his tribe, his caring for the refugee camp and his friends are visible on his phone calls and conversations. He said that he wants to be a help for his brother back in Kenya.

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