Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Writing reflection

My writing usually demonstrates appropriate ideas and content. In some of my writings, I stayed on the topic. They are appropriate for the writings that i write about. But sometimes, i write something that is totally unrelated to the topic. I try to go deep into the topic. But while I'm doing that, i forget about the main topic and would write something else.

I can improve my writing to better express my ideas and enhance contents by staying on the topic and being specific about my ideas. Because sometimes i would just say something and don't include any explanations.

My writing demonstrates appropriate organization, because they all have basic structures of writing. The essays are divided by paragraphs and they have introduction,body and conclusion. There are topic sentences in each paragraphs, explanations explaining the topic sentences and ideas.

I can improve my writing to demonstrate superior organization by linking the paragraphs together and transitioning from ideas to ideas well. Because some parts of my paragraph change from one idea to another without any explanations. That might cause some people to get confused

I don't really see any improvement between my Alchemist essay and my Julius Caesar essay. Because I didn't put any other extra effort while writing my Julius Caesar essay than I was writing Alchemist essay. Also, I got a better grade on my Alchemist essay than Julius Caesar essay. So I don't think I really improved. But considering the fact that I had a lot more time to prepare on my Alchemist essay, there could have been an improvement on my time management.

When I was crafting an essay, I had to think creatively to be able to explain my ideas and contents to other people who didn't know anything about the topic. So the SLR that I've used will be 'Think Creatively'

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